What To Do if: “I Want to Sell My House”

Selling your house is an exciting step – you’re moving on to different things, and doors are opening. However, you may not always have the time to wait for your house to sell.
For example, if you’re offered a job that requires you to relocate, you may need to get up and leave quicker than you thought. At this time, a cash buyer would be a dream come true.

So, if you’re wondering, read on below.

What To Do if You Want to Sell to a Cash Buyer

Check the Company

If you’re selling your house, you may have been approached by cash-buying companies already. Sometimes, this is a great option. Still, you should be sure who you’re dealing with, beforehand.
First, check out the company’s credentials and look at past client feedback. You’ll usually be able to find all the information you need on the company’s website, and you’ll always be able to find reviews when you search online.

Who Is Buying Your House?

When you come across a cash buyer, you may automatically think that this is the company that will buy your house. However, some companies appear to offer this, but sadly, many of them become real estate agents or listing services that make outlandish promises they cannot deliver.

It’s important to check who is buying your house,  so be sure to ask yourself some questions in advance, such as:

‘Will the company buy your house and do it without fees?

‘Is a third-party company buying on their behalf?’ 

To reiterate, it’s extremely vital to get all the buyer’s details before going ahead with the sale of your house.

How Much are They Offering?

When you want to sell fast, and for cash, you may not get the market value of your property. However, this is often expected when you need a quick sale – this does not mean you should be willing to accept an unreasonable offer.

Make sure you know how much your property is worth, and what other cash buyers might offer you. It’s not always possible, but it could be worth haggling with the company you choose to get the best deal before signing on the dotted line.

How They Value Your House

You can spot a good cash-buying company by how they value your house; an experienced professional company will be able to provide you with written details of how they value your house.

You can expect qualified surveyors to visit your house to inspect your property and report to their superiors.

Similarly to how it would work if you sold your property through a real estate agent, any faults in your house will affect your price.

The Benefits of Selling Your House For Cash

There are so many benefits to selling your house to a cash buyer; it makes the overall experience stress-free, easy, and fast!

Here are a few things to consider when selling your house to a cash buying company:

Closing the Sale

If you’re in a hurry to get somewhere, you can often close the sale of your house a lot quicker than you normally would with a cash buyer. You may be able to move to your new property within weeks or less. If you need to move as soon as possible, you can usually get everything done over the phone and online, then wait for the money to come in.


When you sell your house on the market, you must go through all the fuss of staging your house for viewers. This often means keeping your house in tip-top shape 24/7, so you can’t properly relax until you’re out of the property. You don’t need to worry about that when you sell your house to a cash-buying company.

It Won’t Fall Through

When you try to sell your house to someone else, there’s always the worry that the sale will fall through. Sales can fall through for several different reasons; someone may change their mind, suddenly lose their job, or a family member could fall ill.

Alternatively, when you sell for cash, your sale is far more unlikely to fall through.

No repairs

You can sell your property as-is; you don’t have to worry about brushing on a new layer of paint or fixing that leaky faucet

Of course, the better your property looks, the more money you will likely get offered. 

However, selling for cash means you don’t have to get stressed about every little detail – the company will buy your property regardless.


Selling a property is a big move, but it doesn’t have to be the stressful and painstaking process that most people are used to. 

If you’re wondering, ‘What do I do if I want to sell my house?’, it may mean that you need to move in a hurry and/or need help with getting the job done.

Choosing to sell to a cash buyer takes all the fuss out of putting your house up for sale. You may lose a little money, but it’s often the money you would’ve used for real estate fees, repairs, or sprucing up your property’s curb appeal for the sale, anyway. 

Please look at what Selling.House could offer you before you decide which selling method you want to go with.

We guarantee to offer you a fair deal for your home without any added pressure to sell. Our streamlined selling process is there to make the selling experience as quick and stress-free as possible, so that you can easily move on to another milestone in your life. Contact our friendly team today!

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