Selling Your House After One Year

Ideally, people would love sticking with their property, and nobody would sell a house after one year.
In normal circumstances, selling is not usually a smart move; by holding onto the property for a long time you can lower your risk of local market exposure. Likewise, you should build up a sizable amount of equity before selling your house.

Why Is It Worth It?

Selling your house is a big decision and, in most cases, requires some time to prepare. Ideally, list your house for sale at least one year before you want to move out of it. This allows buyers to become interested and, hopefully, make an offer you can accept. If your house isn’t on the market long enough or is not shown in the best possible light, buyers may be discouraged from even considering it.

Selling your property may be due to different house-related, financial, or personal reasons. But before making a choice, it’s always best to assess the advantages and disadvantages.

In addition, selling a house can be difficult if you do not follow the processes well. Poor preparations can lead to missed opportunities, high costs, and frustration. Therefore, it is necessary to have a plan and have someone who can help walk you through each step. 

For a seller, it’s not a simple task; you must be able to assess the market and get ready to sell. In other words, a seller needs to know the property value to set a realistic price. 

Being realistic in your expectations means that you have assessed the market and the property value, and have come up with a plan for the exact preparations.

Evidently, life doesn’t usually turn out as expected, and, according to your personal circumstances, you may find it necessary to sell your house.

For instance, some homeowners may feel that the house no longer meets their needs, some may need to cash in on existing equity, or some may sell because of job relocation. In short, every seller has their own unique reasons for selling their house. 

Once you set a target price, you can think of the marketing of your house. However, if you want to sell your house quickly, think about working with a realtor who is an expert in quick sales, they can help you assess your house after a year to see if there has been any value appreciation. Furthermore, it becomes tough to turn a profit when you sell your house after a year.

This information will help you determine the financial ramifications of selling, and what steps you need to take to protect as much equity in your house as possible. A realtor can help you create a plan based on your specific situation that maximizes the return on your investment (ROI)

If you made the necessary preparations, selling your house after a year is straightforward. However, the biggest hurdle you must face is likely capital gains taxes and the closing costs. These two major obstacles might affect you even if you sell the house for more than the original asking price.

The main reason is that since you listed your house for sale, the market has already altered, and what could have seemed like a fair offer at the time, may now seem excessively expensive.

However, you can try on your part by keeping your budget right and making some changes to offset some of the costs. 

When Selling a House After a Year Is Worth It

Selling your house after a year is not always a good idea, but on occasion, selling after a year can be advantageous in some circumstances. Your decision to sell your house will rely on the state of the current housing market.

Below, we explain when it is worth it to sell your house after a year:

Rapid Market Appreciation

Selling might be ideal if you anticipate a quick increase in market value. Rapid market appreciation refers to the rise in property value beyond its original purchase price.

This occasionally occurs due to rising demand or new infrastructure in the region. Selling makes sense if you foresee a quick appreciation in the market value. However, you should always seek advice from your real estate agent and prepare for future offers.

Financial Issues

There are many reasons why you should consider selling your house after one year; you may have already maxed out your budget or want to relocate to a more affordable location. 

In other words, financial issues often lead you toward selling your house after one year, and by doing so, it can help you address some of these financial constraints.

Tax consideration

It is always necessary to speak with a real estate agent to know if there will be any tax repercussions if you decide to sell your house after a year.

In most cases, you will not have to pay taxes on the gain in the value of your house. However, always consult with an accountant or tax specialist to be sure. A professional or real estate agent can best help you in this scenario. 

Listed below are some helpful tips for selling your house after one year:

1. Estimate the value of the house.

When you finally decide to sell your house, work with a real estate agent specializing in the area. They can help you determine your house’s value by performing a comparative market analysis. 

In doing so, you’ll get a better idea of the loss or profit you make on your property. However, we advise you to consult a real estate agent to know the market conditions to get a fair price for your property. 

2. Prepare the house for sale. 

This is the vital step you need to take! Clean and declutter all bedrooms and living spaces so they look presentable. If there are any unnecessary items in the house or clutter, remove them as soon as possible. A storage unit may be a helpful tool in decluttering the house. Make sure all appliances and electronics are turned off or inoperable, which, in turn, will help reduce distractions from potential buyers.

Another essential thing you need to do to make your house more appealing is staging it. You may paint the walls, get new flooring, and add new furniture. This will speed the selling process up by attracting more potential buyers to the house.

3. List your house with a real estate agent or broker. 

Working with someone who knows the market will give you a negotiation advantage to get the right buyer. An agent can provide valuable feedback on improving your house’s appearance and functionality before putting it on the market.

4. Wait until you are eligible for a lower capital gains tax rate. 

You may be exempt from capital gains taxes if you have lived in the house for over two years. If you sell it before those two years, the capital gains taxes will be due on any profits you would make from the sale.

You are taxed based on a portion of your capital gains, which are the profits you make when you sell the property.

The higher the sale price, the higher the capital gains tax rate. The tax authority shows up once you sell your house after a year. The profit and loss (P&L) will be levied at 10% to 37% since the IRS views it as a short-term transaction. If you sell for cash, you can build up to a significant amount of money.

You can reduce the tax burden by up to 20% if you keep your house for more than a year, or at least a few years. In short, it’s unwise to rush into this decision – think about what is best for you and your financial future.

Some experts recommend waiting two years before selling your house to avoid paying capital gains taxes, and only being taxed if the profit from the sale of your house exceeds $250,000.

5. Reduce your closing cost. 

You must pay for the closing costs whenever you sell your property. These costs vary, often including fees for the real estate agent and other expenses associated with purchasing and selling a house. However, a seller is responsible for paying an agent commission, typically 6% of the sale price.

The closing costs typically raise a house’s sales price by at least 10% when other taxes, like transfer and property taxes, are considered. Because it will significantly increase the value of your house when you sell it, you must not disregard this expense.

Therefore, we recommend waiting for at least a couple of years. You would not have accumulated enough capital gains or equity to make for your losses.

6. Prepare to take offers.

One of the most important things you can do is place your house on the market. So, be ready to receive offers. 

You are free to refuse the offer if you think it is inappropriate; you are not required to sell at any specific price. And the best way to sell your house fast is by being in touch with real estate agents. 

They will ensure that both parties win and are happy with the final deal. 


Now that you know everything about selling a house after a year, you must be ready to do the calculations for the best deal for it. You do not want to lose anything on the long-term investment because selling a house is laborious.

People often sell their houses too early due to an unfavorable situation.

If you wonder if you can sell it after a year, the answer is a big yes! You can sell it, but there are some risks associated with the act that you’ll need to be ready for. Because of this, we advise you to consult a real estate agent before setting a price and attracting potential buyers. The agents will tell you how to prepare your house for sale, how to show your house, have an accurate marketing strategy, and be realistic about what you can expect. 

Real estate agents work diligently to market your house to get the best offer. You do not have to be rigid; know how to adjust your prices if market conditions change.

You do not want to lose cash because of a lack of proper guidance – a real estate agent can help you get the best out of the deal.

If you remain in a situation where you don’t know what to do, and need to sell your house after the first year of owning it, you may contact our friendly team today!

If you’re ready to experience the benefits of a hassle-free home sale, Selling.House is here to answer your questions, provide a fair cash offer, and help you get your money quickly.

Choose a straightforward and efficient path to selling your house – choose Selling.House and experience the ease and reliability of a cash home buyer.

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