How Long Does It Take to Sell My House in Houston?

Local real estate agents have recently described the Houston real estate market as “cutthroat” for buyers. This year, the number of interested buyers is outpacing the number of houses on the market, and the competition is steep! But, what does this actually mean for Houston sellers? 

When you’re hoping to sell a house quickly, you don’t want to leave everything up to chance,  so, it’s important to ask some questions;

What makes the house selling process faster? 
What is your absolute quickest selling option? 

Luckily for you, our Selling.House experts are here to explain everything you need to know about the Houston real estate market, and the typical time it takes to sell a house here. Read on for more helpful information! houston

How Long Does It Take to Sell a House on Average?

Across the nation, sellers wait an average of 25 days between listing their home and taking it off the market to go into contract. 

In 2019, the waiting period was about 30 days. This could appear to be good news for sellers looking to sell quickly. The issue, though, is that sellers don’t get their money in their pocket in less than 25 days. But on a positive note, they no longer have to look for a buyer (assuming the one they’ve secured doesn’t back out of the deal).

In short, the closing process can take 3-4 weekson average.

Benefits of Selling Your Home for Cash

The worldwide pandemic has forced the housing market into a seller’s market; in other words, houses are selling quickly. This also means that sellers can be more particular about the offers they accept!

That being said, selling your home for cash has many benefits. Understanding these benefits will help you to answer the question, “Are cash buyers better?”

Factors That Can Speed Up or Slow Down Your Sale

No matter what’s going on in your local real estate market, factors can still help speed up or slow down your sale. Let’s look at those factors so you can get a more realistic view of how long your home might sit on the traditional market.

Is Your Asking Price Reasonable?

If you’ve ever watched a house sit on the market for a few months, you’ve probably watched the price drop steadily over time; hinting that the seller asked for too much in the first place, and they had to make some concessions before finding a seller.

It can be exciting to sell in a market where some homes bring in more than their current property value! But, on the other hand, trying to sell with a high asking price will push buyers away, especially if your home isn’t up to par with others in the area.

Is Your Home in Good Condition?

This is the biggest issue for sellers, no matter when they’re selling! If your home is in fantastic, modernized, move-in-ready condition, you won’t have a hard time selling. 

But, what if you’re trying to sell as-is? Some buyers out there are happy to pay less for a house that needs a ton of work. Unfortunately for sellers, they are few and far between. Even if your home is functional, but aesthetically outdated, you’ll have a harder time landing a buyer.

Are You in a Desirable Location?

There are two primary areas that people want to live in;

  1. suburban neighborhoods outside of cities, preferably on a commuter line
  2. within the cities where there is plenty to do; shopping, dining, and more.

If your property isn’t in one of these desirable locations, many buyers will admit they’d rather wait for a new listing to hit the market. 

When it comes down to a house selling quickly, it is evident that location is crucial.

Are You Selling When the Market is Strong?

We previously acknowledged that the market is tipping strongly in favor of many sellers right now.

However, this could change at any moment; a seller’s market almost always collapses within a few months to a year as mortgage rates increase and more sellers try to get in on the action.


We hope that we’ve given you the insight you need to decide whether or not taking a chance on the traditional real estate market in Houston is the right choice for you.

Let’s evaluate those factors to get a more realistic view:

What is the guaranteed fastest way to sell your Houston home?

Who will take your home off your hands, and let you walk away with cash in full in as little as 24 hours?

Well, that would be us! At Selling.House, we are some of the best, most experienced home buyers in Houston, and we offer some of the best cash offers in the city! When you sell to us, you don’t need to worry about the condition of your home; we’ll buy it as-is! Flaws and all!

Are you ready to sell in as little as 24-hours?

To get started, contact us today. All you need to do is text or call, and we’ll give you a free cash offer, which can help speed up the otherwise, lengthy selling process!

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