How Fast Can I Sell My House?

As a seller, you should be concerned about how fast you can sell your house. Nowadays, many buyers are looking for properties like yours. So, as a seller, you need to be aware of the viable selling options. But before you even decide to sell your house, there are a few things to consider. 

Things to Do to Make the Process Easier.​

A potential buyer of your house would want to receive the best return on their investment (ROI); they seek perfection, and you must make your house ready and perfect. 

If you are searching for one definitive answer, you are mistaken; many factors decide whether a house sells fast or not. Things like the condition of your house, market conditions, and especially, your personal efforts to market it really matter when it comes to maximize your chances of selling your house fast.

While attempting to sell your house quickly, it is important to improve your house’s worth in order to get the highest return on your investment. You must also implement the appropriate selling speed for your house in your neighborhood; a house in a famous, sought-out vicinity will likely command higher prices and sell fast.

Houses that are sufficiently clean and located in the desired area should sell the quickest. Similarly, if you have a large property lot, or attractive features that make it stand out from other properties listed, price your house accurately.

According to, selling through a real estate agent may take 58 days on average. And, according to Zillow, the average duration of a sale is 61 to 66 days. 

With the low-interest rates, buying a house has become easier for people, which has increased the number of buyers. Consequently, buyers are becoming more selective; they are looking for houses that fit their specific needs, and they are not settling for anything less. So, if you want your house to sell quickly, it might be a good idea to put it on the market now.

Most importantly, it is essential to factor in the contenders, too. If numerous listings exist in the same neighborhood, it tends to make it harder for your property to stand out and sell quickly.

Benefits of Selling Fast and How to Do It

As a seller, you must always set realistic prices and stick to your values. Moreover, you can create a well-crafted marketing plan with accurate information to increase the chances of the sale.

Your efforts will likely show, and the buyers may be more willing to purchase from you, rather than from a competitor who is not prepared. 

1. Find a cash buyer.

Another way of selling fast is to find a cash buyer. Selling to a cash buyer is an advantageous option for various reasons. For starters, cash buyers are often motivated to purchase a property quickly, which can save you time and hassle. 

Indeed, cash buyers are more likely to negotiate more aggressively than other potential buyers, which could result in a higher sale price. Also, selling to a cash buyer may provide you the peace of mind of need in knowing you will not need to worry about mortgage payments or maintenance costs associated with the property.

If you want to sell your house urgently, and want to explore the possibility of selling to a cash buyer, speak with an experienced real estate agent who can help guide you through the process.

At Selling.House, our experts can help you get a quick all-cash offer for your property. Contact us, and we will help you maximize your sale with a cash offer. 

2. Sell through Auction.

Another way to get your house sold quickly is through an auction. An auction works like eBay – buyers place bids on specific items, and the highest bidder wins the item(s). To stage an auction, you must prepare a lot listing that includes information like how many tickets are available and what day/time. You can also create online bidding platforms like Paddle or Zillow Auctions, making the process easy for buyers and sellers, alike.

3. Sell fast through a short sale

One way to quickly sell your house is through a short sale, but it is essential to understand the process. A short sale is a foreclosure process where the lender agrees to sell your property at auction instead of waiting for creditors to call. You can also get help from a professional real estate agent. 

For a short sale to work, you must have good credit and be able to obtain financing to make up the difference between what you owe on your mortgage and what your house is worth. If you are unable or unwilling to do this, then selling your house through traditional means may be best for you.

To complete a short sale, you must first contact your lender and ask for permission to sell below market value. They will then arrange a meeting with you and the buyer to hash out the details.

Things That Can Speed Up the Sale Process

Given the current climate of the tight housing market, knowing how to sell a house as quickly as possible is essential. There are many ways to speed up the process, including staging your house, pricing your house right, and using effective marketing strategies.

1. Start by calculating its value

Knowing how much your property is worth is the key to getting the most for it. To find this, you can consult a reputable real estate website or a local real estate agent to estimate your property value. Once you have an estimate, set a price target that you are comfortable with and start marketing your house accordingly.

2. Organize your home

First and foremost, it is crucial to keep your stuff organized. This will make it simpler for prospective purchasers to evaluate the value and ascertain the state of each area. 

We understand that it is daunting, but you need to prioritize what should be done, first. You can do this by sorting through everything in your house and putting everything into bins/boxes or categories. As a result, you will be able to determine what to keep at the house and what to throw away. Hiring a professional to help organize things could be quite beneficial if you are too overwhelmed, or don’t have the time to do it yourself.

Most importantly, remove what you feel is unnecessary in your house. If you are unsure of how to get rid of the unneeded clutter, try to find a local charity or Recycling Centre that will take these items off your hands. It might take some time, but by organizing your home first, you will make the selling easier.

3. Stage your house

One of the most important things you can do is stage your house. That means preparing your property for sale by taking care of cosmetic issues, like painting and new carpets. By getting your house ready in advance, you will give potential buyers a wow moment as soon as they enter!

Put your furniture in one position, clean your cabinets and closets, and make a visible list of all your fixtures and appliances. Buyers will better comprehend what they are purchasing as a result (and give them an idea of what they can replace).

Staging a house also means getting rid of any clutter or excess furniture that may make the house appear smaller than it is. So, declutter your house and make necessary repairs to sell it fast. The worth of your house can go up by up to 5 percent when you clean it out properly. In short, you’ll get the most out of the sale if you improve its curb appeal.

4. Market it properly

Getting started with marketing will increase your chances of selling your house quickly. This includes targeting qualified buyers who live within the vicinity of your property. 

On a personal level, you can reach out to the potential buyers directly; distribute flyers in their neighborhoods and send out personalized email blasts by targeting key groups, such as family members or friends who have recently bought or sold a house. 

More importantly, collaborate with a professional photographer to take high-quality pictures that you can use in online listings and marketing materials. Investing in quality photos is one way to ensure buyers feel confident about making an offer on your property.

Yes, it is possible to sell on your own if you’re on good terms with your local real estate agents or have enough information about the local market conditions.
However, this approach is less expensive and allows you more control over the sale process, but it may require more effort, and may not result in a quick sale.

5. Get help from a professional

If you find the selling process difficult, consider hiring a real estate agent or contractor to help with the effort; they can help speed up the process, but you will still need to spend plenty of time preparing for the sale and marketing it actively.

By consulting with professionals, you can give yourself the best chance possible and are always open to exploring as many options as possible. Be sure to contact a real estate agent to help you find the best way to proceed and make the process as seamless as possible.

It’s no secret that the housing industry has changed drastically in recent years; there are now many more options for buyers and sellers, so you do not need to be afraid to work with a professional real estate agent to get the most advantageous deal for your house.

Be assured knowing that you can always rely on Selling.House; we can purchase your houses as-is, and give you the cash on the spot. On the other hand, by selling the traditional way, be prepared to put in a lot of hard work. 


Remember that no one can foretell the future, so never lose hope if it does not sell within a specific amount of time. Continue to put a lot of effort into marketing your house, and look for ways to make the process go quickly.

By listing your house with a real estate investor is the best way to sell it fast; this is an excellent choice since they are experienced and can provide valuable marketing assistance. They will reach out to potential buyers, arrange a showing, and aid in preparing the property for sale.

If you’re stuck in a situation and need to sell your house fast, contact our friendly team today to experience the benefits of a hassle-free home sale. At Selling.House, we’re here to answer your questions, provide a fair cash offer, and help you get your money quickly.

Choose a straightforward and efficient path to selling your house – choose Selling.House and experience the ease and reliability of a cash home buyer.


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